I recommend “Linksys WUSB54G V4.0” as it has a decent reception and reasonable performance. I have tested packet injection and decryption with: Ralink chipset), so I won’t go into this.

I assume that you have successfully patched the driver for your wireless adapter (e.g. Provided that you have collected a sufficient number of IVs (= Initialization Vectors) and depending on the length of the encryption key, determining the actual WEP key will take less than a minute on a common PC. Generally speaking there are 3 types of attacks:īy exploiting several security weaknesses of the WEP protocol Aircrack NG makes use of a statistical method to recover WEP keys. If you want the screenshots, you’l have to sign into the forums. I’ve copied the posters conents here, if you don’t want to deal with the link. It’s not advanced stuff, you can learn more about aircrack-ng in still interested.

The article is geared for identifying wireless security holes and exploting them. Sure enough someone has, so take a look at the following link. However, before I made up a long winded post I decided to research it, see if someone else has done the work already.

So I wanted to show users how to sniff out their local wireless traffic, capture it and decrypt it.